Today, we focus on the concept of positive visualization, and how we can tap into its power to achieve amazing outcomes we may have never imagined possible. The potential for our dreams to be fulfilled is incredible, if we apply a few, practical techniques. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get into it.
The Power of Positive Visualization
It’s so easy to experience the power of positive visualization. Try this and see for yourself.
Imagine a lemon. It’s cut in half, and you can see droplets of juice along the edges, the small pits surrounding the core. The pulp of the fruit is a vivid yellow. It looks like a piece of the sun sitting there. It’s begging you to pick it up and squeeze it into a glass of ice-cold water to make the best lemonade you have ever tasted. Is your mouth watering yet?
The human brain is so powerful that thoughts alone are enough to initiate autonomic functions (like salivating, for example).
Imagine what we could do if we gave our brains more positive raw material to process every day.
How about we choose to use positive visualization to picture ourselves thriving, healthy, happy, and fulfilled?
Not just every now and again but first thing every morning – and throughout the day.
What if we train ourselves to wake with positive thoughts automatically – in fact, to believe, this is going to be the best day ever.
Imagine what the downstream impact of those thoughts would and could be.
We already know that the benefits of positive visualization go beyond the pleasure that positive thoughts bring.
Learn How to Tap into the Power of Positive Visualization
The natural side effects include a healthier heart rate and blood pressure, and production of healthy vs. toxic hormones.
But the benefits of positive visualization go even further, beyond the physical.
Positive thought has been directly linked to performance and accomplishment.
For example, athletes who visualize successfully completing an event out-perform those who do not, regardless of the rest of their training regimen.
Once positive visualization becomes a habit, our brains are actually trained to ‘see the silver lining’ in every experience we encounter, in every situation we find ourselves in, and in viewing every opportunity that comes our way.
They say it takes about 21 days for a habit to stick. So, let’s start today.
Within three weeks, our brains could be automatically helping us to clear hurdles we didn’t even think were possibilities.
To achieve our goals and dreams. Wouldn’t that be something? What hurdle would you like to clear?
When we are feeling down, it is a natural tendency to think those around us who appear to thrive have been luckier, more fortunate, or just seem to “catch all the breaks”.
But maybe they have just acquired this one very magical habit that we are all capable of. After a short period of focus, our brains will naturally propel us in the right direction. Believe it and it is so.
And imagine the love and light and joy we could spread – to each other and our loved ones.
Positive thoughts are a gift we can give ourselves.
Please comment and let us know how positive visualization is helping brighten your day.
Thank you as always for reading.
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Joan Senio is the founder of KindCompassCoach. Joan’s career includes clinical healthcare plus 20+ years as an executive in a nationwide health care system and 15 years as a consultant. The common threads throughout Joan’s personal and professional life are a commitment to non-profit organizations, mental health, compassionate coaching, professional development and servant leadership. Joan has had the privilege of mentoring early and mid-career professionals as well as current and future executives and leaders. She is a member of the International Organization of Life Coaches, serves as a thought-leader for and is also a regular contributor to PsychReg and Sixty and Me. You can read more about Joan here: Joan Senio.
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11 Responses
As drops of water slowly fill a jar, so a man who thinks good thoughts becomes good. I’m all for positive visualization. Ironically lemons have been used, as well as other fruits. Works well with a comic angle to break the cycle.
I loved reading this! Please keep them coming,the more positivity the better!
This was a great post. Very positive! I’ve learnt through my CBT sessions to not be as hard on myself and try and come up with one positive thing about any situation. Visualising really can help.
This is such a gorgeous post! It’s made me realise a lot about the human body!
Love, Amie
The Curvaceous Vegan
I truly love blogs that are positive and life changing! Thank you!!
Thanks for this! I felt a little bit like I was floundering today and needed this reminder and exercise to get my mind in the right place!
Visualization is definitely a powerful thing, my mouth started watering imagining that lemon. Positive visualization makes sense and it is so good for us too! Your posts are always the perfect reminder to think more positively and see things from a new perspective. I really enjoy reading your blog Joan, it always lifts my mood and gives me a fresh way of thinking. Keep up the great work! <3 xx
Bexa |
I love this! What a fantastic post and great reminder!
Very inspirational. I have to agree, when we train our mind to think positive, we will see positive results. Love your post!
I like the visualization you’ve described! I agree with you, our brains are powerful! It’s nice to visualize happiness – you feel like you’re on top of the world. I love the positive vibes you’re radiating!
This sounds like it has many benefits, and much like many other shifts in mindset or perception, etc. positive visualization is something we can put into place fairly easily (as long as we are consistent with its practice). Thanks for sharing this!