Life coaching can help you gain clarity, set goals, and make positive changes in your life. One of the key aspects of life coaching is asking the right questions to encourage self-reflection and personal growth. There are many potential questions that can be used to jump start the process.
Let’s talk about a few specific questions that are most likely to get your gears turning.
Life Coaching Question 1. What do I truly want?
Often, we get so caught up in the expectations and opinions of others that we lose sight of our own desires. Asking yourself this question allows you to reconnect with your authentic self and identify what truly brings you joy and fulfillment.
Think about the various segments of your life and consider articulating goals in each one.
For example, we may have specific aspirations for our physical or mental health or for our relationships. Or maybe there’s a goal we would like to work towards in our spiritual or emotional life. The key is to keep the blinders off for this exercise. Don’t limit your thoughts to the typical material or financial gains. A target wish that may not immediately occur to you could be to strengthen your support system. Or to build a new friendship or two. There are no wrong answers!
Life Coaching Question 2. What are my strengths and how can I leverage them?
Recognizing and utilizing your strengths is a powerful way to boost your confidence and achieve success.
Reflect on your unique abilities and find ways to apply them to your personal and professional pursuits. Again, don’t limit your thoughts to the usual suspects here. And be truly honest.
I find it much easier to list my faults because I spend much more time thinking about them.
That’s not good or healthy.
Self-discovery and life coaching exercises force me to more fully explore the other end of the spectrum.
After reflection, I’m forced to admit I make a darn great lasagna.
I’m good at putting together a large feast for a crowd.
In my work, I’ve built a reputation for mediation and bringing together parties for mutual gain and I’m also a sought-after mentor and coach. And my kids love me, with all my faults – no small accomplishment there.
Naming a few strengths is a great place to begin. Think about yours. Then think about how you may be able to apply them in other ways. There are so many possibilities.
Life Coaching Question 3. What limiting beliefs are holding me back?
We all have limiting beliefs that can hinder our progress.
Identify the negative thoughts or beliefs that are holding you back from reaching your full potential.
Challenge them and replace them with empowering beliefs that support your growth.
The hard part with this one is recognizing a limiting belief when we see one.
Too often, we see limiting beliefs as facts or insurmountable challenges. But they aren’t. Almost everything in our universe is fluid and changeable.
Perhaps you don’t have the money to go back to school right now – but loans are an option.
Or maybe you don’t have all the business acumen you need to start a new business – but you can begin to take online courses.
Let’s say you don’t have any close friends, but your goal is to get out more – there’s sure to be an outlet or two available to consider. Meet up groups, clubs, classes, church, the gym – there are ways for anyone to begin to take small steps towards social exploration.
It’s all about deciding that any obstacle is something we can conquer. And then going for it.
Life Coaching Question 4. What small step can I take today towards my goal?
Breaking down goals into smaller, manageable steps can make them less overwhelming and more achievable.
Take a moment to identify a small action you can take right now to move closer to your desired outcome.
Let’s say you want to exercise more. Walk to the mailbox and back – twice. Once you’re out there doing it, if you feel like continuing, go ahead. See how far you can get today.
Maybe you want to eat healthier. Just commit to having a healthy dinner tonight. Just one night. See how much you enjoy it, and how you feel in the morning. Then do it again, and one more time. Don’t think in terms of deprivation – think of it as indulging in taking care of yourself.
Perhaps your goals are something less tangible.
Maybe you need to heal from some previous abuse or neglect. Look for books that can help. Go to your library if money is limited. Start to read and learn more and then begin to map out other strategies for growth. Explore therapy or a support group in your community.
Just try new things, until one sticks.
Give yourself credit for trying everything and celebrate each iota of progress.
Life Coaching Question 5. How can I prioritize self-care in my daily life?
Self-care is essential for maintaining overall well-being and balance. Reflect on ways you can prioritize self-care in your daily routine, whether it’s through exercise, meditation, or simply taking time for activities that bring you joy.
I don’t think anyone ever regrets spending time on self-care.
At least I’ve never heard anyone say it out loud. Have you?
More often than not, what I hear people say is more along the lines of “I can’t believe I put off doing this for so long – it was just what I needed.”
Self-care comes in many forms.
It’s not all about bubble baths (though there’s nothing wrong with those!).
And if you’re in the mood, by all means, do some impulse shopping here:
But perhaps it’s something different.
Maybe it’s a quiet night alone, reading a book. Or going to a movie. Binge-ing chick flicks on Netflix.
Making a dish only you love to eat. Or taking a long walk in the woods.
Whatever your version of self-care is, go for it.
Life Coaching Question 6. What am I grateful for in my life?
Practicing gratitude can shift your perspective and bring more positivity into your life.
Think about the things you are grateful for, big or small.
Cultivating a mindset of gratitude can help you find joy and appreciation in every day.
Most of us do a pretty good job of hitting on the big things. Maybe some of us even say grace at meals and deliver prayers of gratitude daily.
But when we say “adopt an attitude of gratitude” – it’s much more than that.
It’s about being grateful for the tiny things, in the moment.
That’s how you cultivate an aura of gratitude and a cloak of gratitude around you, that’s always there to protect you from some of the negativity that might otherwise take over.
Being grateful for the feel of the wind, the scent of flowers, the feel of sand between our toes, the sound of a child’s laughter.
Having the words “thank you” be our first and last words, and the ones we hear in our heads the most often all day. That can change everything.
Look here for beautiful products that will help you to record your thankfulness so you can look back at your most grateful moments whenever you need a lift:
Life Coaching Question 7. What fears are holding me back from taking action?
Fear can often paralyze us and prevent us from pursuing our dreams.
Identify the fears that are holding you back and challenge them.
Another opportunity to be brutally honest. What are you afraid of?
Being laughed at? Failure? Stumbling?
No matter what fears you experience, it’s good to ask yourself – where are these fears coming from?
Were you chastised as a child when you made a small mistake?
Do you have a boss who humiliates people when they have a misstep at work?
Maybe you have a friend or family member who criticizes your dreams, maligns your life choices, or makes snide remarks cloaked in sarcasm about your hobbies?
Too often, what we are afraid of is how other people will act and what others will think.
Once we let go of that feeling – and realize we owe no one anything – nor do we need anyone else’s approval to dream bigger, live larger, love fuller – that’s when the truth will begin to emerge about who we are, and what we’re capable of.
Self-Discovery and Personal Growth
Remember that growth often lies just outside of your comfort zone.
But hopefully, as you eliminate the self-limiting beliefs we’ve talked about, your comfort zone will slowly begin to enlarge.
Don’t be afraid. You are brave. And courageous. You’ve got this – whatever this is. And more!
Answering These Questions Can Be the Start of a New Life
Asking powerful questions is a fundamental aspect of life coaching that can lead to profound personal growth.
Take the time to reflect on these questions to gain clarity, overcome obstacles, and create a life that aligns with your true desires.
Start asking yourself these questions today to unlock your full potential.
Ready for more? Check out: Journaling Questions for Self-Discovery.
Thank you as always for reading.
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Joan Senio is the founder of KindCompassCoach. Joan’s career includes clinical healthcare plus 20+ years as an executive in a nationwide health care system and 15 years as a consultant. The common threads throughout Joan’s personal and professional life are a commitment to non-profit organizations, mental health, compassionate coaching, professional development and servant leadership. Joan has had the privilege of mentoring early and mid-career professionals as well as current and future executives and leaders. She is a member of the International Organization of Life Coaches, serves as a thought-leader for and is also a regular contributor to PsychReg and Sixty and Me. You can read more about Joan here: Joan Senio.
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