7 Ways to Get in Touch with Your Inner Child

Are you ready to rediscover your inner child? Here are 7 ways to tap into that long ago sense of wonder!

  • Reflect on Childhood Memories: Take some time to reminisce about your childhood. What were your favorite activities? What brought you joy and excitement? Revisiting these memories can help you identify the essence of your inner child and what resonates with you. Did you have a favorite place to go when you were a child? For me, it was the beach. What was your most memorable place to spend time?
  • Embrace Playfulness: Embodying your inner child means allowing yourself to be playful and carefree. Engage in activities that ignite your sense of play, such as dancing, singing, drawing, or playing games. Don’t worry about being perfect or mature—focus on having fun and tapping into your creative side.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness can help you stay present and connected to your inner child. Engage in activities that encourage mindfulness, such as meditation, deep breathing, or spending time in nature. These practices can help you quiet your mind, release stress, and tune into your inner self.

More Ways to Get in Touch with Your Inner Child

  • Express Your Creativity: Children are naturally imaginative and creative. Embrace your own creativity by engaging in activities such as painting, writing, coloring or crafting. Allow yourself to explore and try new things (or enjoy old things!) without judgment or self-criticism.
  • Engage in Playdates: Surround yourself with people who encourage and embrace your efforts. Plan playdates with friends, family, or even your own children, where you can engage in activities that bring out your playful side. Laugh, play, and enjoy each other’s company without the pressures of adulthood.
  • Practice Self-Compassion: You child-like self may yearn for comfort, love, and acceptance. Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness, forgiveness, and understanding. Embrace the imperfections and challenges of life, knowing that you are doing the best you can.
  • Dance like No One’s Watching: Dancing is a powerful way to connect. Put on your favorite music and let loose. Move your body freely, allowing yourself to feel the rhythm and express yourself without inhibition. Dancing can be liberating and rejuvenating, stimulating a sense of joy and self-expression.

Get in Touch Today

Reconnecting is a personal journey that requires time, patience, and self-compassion.

Be gentle with yourself and allow the process to unfold naturally.

You may discover the key to your authentic happiness and embracing it can bring a sense of wonder and fulfillment back into your life.

So, go ahead, tap into your inner child and let the magic unfold.

Find Journal Prompts to Help Connect with Your Inner Child

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2 Responses

  1. Aadiv S says:

    Your article on reconnecting with one’s inner child is a poignant reminder of the importance of rediscovering innocence and joy. It’s like a call to embrace the wonder and curiosity that often gets buried in adulthood. Thanks for this insightful perspective; it’s a valuable guide to personal growth.

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