And easy to incorporate into our lives.

Sometimes We Need to Improve Well-Being and Health ASAP

I recently reached a mental health crisis point. There was no one to turn to. Struggling alone, I realized I only had myself to count on, to rely on, to accomplish a change.

A transition out of where I was to someplace, any place else.

I wasn’t motivated at all to help myself.

But obligation took over and made me decide to at least do something small.

I broke it down to the basics. To save myself (and others) from the slippery slope I was on.

A few small changes. A few short days. And the sun started to come out again.

It always does, but it can be darn hard to remember when you’re hanging out in a dark place.

Making small changes can be enough. As long as we build on them and celebrate small wins.

So, let’s get into it.

Simple Ways to Improve Well-Being and Health

That’s right, it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Especially if you haven’t been doing anything to care for yourself.

You’ll be amazed at how much better you will feel by making a few VERY SMALL improvements.

Anyone can make these things happen – truly anyone – So love yourself enough to make these things happen – especially if you’re in that dark place like I was.

Your friends and family will thank you.

Improve Well-Being and Health Today: Drink More Water

I don’t care how much you already drink. Drink more.

Pair a water drinking habit with another chore you do for someone else.

Do you make your kid’s lunch? Down a glass of water.

Do you wash the dishes every morning? Down a glass then, too.

How many errands do you run every day? Drink a glass of water before you turn the ignition on.

Everyone needs to use the bathroom once in a while. Each time you do, down a glass of water after you wash your hands.

Make it happen and improve your health and well-being today.

Keep a portable water bottle full to the brim all the time.

Get More Sunshine

I know, we’re always being told not to get out in the sun too much, but that advice is over simplified and misleading. We all need sun to reinforce our circadian rhythm. It’s a basic need – not optional.

In fact, lack of sunlight may actually be the reason you’re not sleeping well.

The best advice is to enjoy moderate amounts of sunshine with the proper protection, every day you can.

Apply a tinted moisturizer with sunscreen in it on your face, every day (it takes about 15 seconds, find the time). Use a body moisturizer with sunscreen, too.

And whatever your day includes, make sure you find at a few minutes to sit in the sun’s rays.

Start with 5 minutes, if that’s all you can truly spare. Work your way up to 15, 20, 25.

You’ll feel better, immediately, in most cases.

Rainy days are going to happen, so stock up on sunshine when rain is in the forecast.

Or splurge and buy yourself a sun lamp – the impact of a good one is truly amazing!

Get Yourself a Therapeutic Sun Lamp

Improve Well-Being and Health Today: Worship the Night Sky

The benefits of stargazing are not as well known or understood as the benefits of sunlight. But they are just as supportive to our health and well-being!

In short, stargazing reinforces the evening settings of our circadian rhythm by helping our bodies know it’s time to sleep.

And who doesn’t feel better looking at the heavens?

To read more about the benefits of stargazing to our health and well-being, check out: The Therapeutic Power of the Night Sky: Discover the Little-Known Benefits of Stargazing.

Breathe Properly

We do it all day and night, every day and night. And most of us do it wrong. That’s right – we do it wrong.

Stress and lack of exercise and poor posture and maybe a few extra pounds in the wrong places all influence the way we breath.

How to know if you’re breathing the best way? Take a deep breath. Does your abdomen expand – or does your chest rise?

If your chest rises, you’re in the club with most of us who have forgotten to breathe the way nature intended.

Focusing on your breathing is also a great way to meditate and improve mindfulness.

Start by doing it for a few minutes before you get out of bed, or when you turn in for the night.

Little by little, breathing properly will become your new normal.

Check out this excellent article that explains how to breathe properly, and why it can change your life!

Improve Your Well-Being Today: Think Positive

Our mindset plays a critical role in our well-being.

Adopting a positive outlook can help reduce stress, improve mental health, and enhance overall happiness.

This is not to say that we should not embrace and fully experience an entire range of emotions – because every kind of emotion is essential to our mental health.

It’s to say that when we’re faced with challenges, it can make all the difference to be optimistic; and that when we’re blessed, it can change everything to remember it and say thank you more often.

Practice gratitude, surround yourself with positive influences, and focus on the present moment to cultivate a positive mindset.

Personal Growth Keeps Us Young

Continuously striving for personal growth and development can significantly impact your overall well-being. Stop saying you don’t have time, you can’t, or it’s not important. It IS important.

And lack of personal growth can impact your health and well-being as much as a poor diet and lack of exercise.

Set goals, learn new skills, and challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone.

Anyone can find the time and the motivation – once you decide it’s important and make it a priority.

Embrace opportunities for growth and watch your confidence and satisfaction soar.

And everything else will get better, too.

Get Regular Check-ups

Basic advice that never gets old and can never be repeated too often.

If something feels off, get it checked out.

If nothing feels off, get checked out every few years, anyway.

Make time for vision and dental checks – we may often delay these because they feel less essential, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Oral health and vision are key to overall health and well-being and routine exams can often help catch related health issues early.

Regular physical check-ups and screenings are vital for early detection and prevention of potential health issues.

Schedule routine appointments with your healthcare provider to ensure you are taking proactive steps towards maintaining your well-being.

And if you need a check in on mental health issues, prioritize that, too! Sometimes an hour with an unbiased, qualified therapist can bring us the break throughs we can’t find on our own.

The Joy of Giving Back

Helping others not only benefits those in need but also enhances your own well-being.

Volunteer for a cause close to your heart, donate to charitable organizations, or simply perform random acts of kindness.

No matter what your age or skills, you can be a hero to someone else.

Be there for someone else who needs encouragement.

Pay it forward to those who are less experienced, less fortunate, still learning what you already know.

The act of giving back can bring immense joy and fulfillment to your life.

Just show up for someone else. You’ll be so glad you did! And so will they. And you will have taken another step to improve well-being for yourself and others.

How to Improve Well-Being Today

Incorporating these astonishingly simple strategies into your daily life can have a profound impact on your health and well-being.

Each step you take to improve well-being helps you to thrive and to fully enjoy a happier, healthier life.

Embrace these practices, make them your own, and enjoy the positive transformation they bring.

To learn more about how to optimize your daily work and sleep cycles, please also check out: I’m a Bear. What’s Your Chronotype?

For more simple ideas about how to improve well-being, check out:

10 Ways to Improve Poor Mental Health

Thank you as always for reading.

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One Response

  1. Lori says:

    Water, sunshine, and proper breathing – so simple, and such dramatic results you can get just from these small acts! I love love love this post, it’s just bursting with ideas with impact. Thank you!

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