To observe Annual Boost Self-Esteem Month, published a series of posts about this intriguing subject. Today’s post focuses on the pillars of self-esteem that are believed to factor into our own sense of worthiness.
As we discussed in our previous post, self-esteem is the foundation upon which our confidence, resilience, and overall well-being are built. It serves as a guiding force in our interactions, decisions, and overall satisfaction with life.
Though this definition of self-esteem seems somewhat straightforward, there is much ambiguity and intrigue beneath the surface of this complex topic. Various models describe components and integrating elements of self-esteem. Today, we cover one such model. Let’s explore the six pillars of self-esteem.
6 Pillars of Self-Esteem
We can build our understanding of our own sense of worthiness by more fully exploring these six secret pillars to self-esteem. Each contribute to the development and maintenance of our own sense of self and illuminate sometimes hidden opportunities for us to nurture and enhance our own well-being.
Self-acceptance involves embracing ourselves fully, including our strengths, weaknesses, and imperfections.
It is the acknowledgment that we are worthy and deserving of love and respect, just as we are.
By practicing self-acceptance, we release the need for constant self-judgment and criticism, fostering a positive and nurturing relationship with ourselves.
Pillars of Self-Esteem: Self-Responsibility
Self-responsibility is the recognition that we are the architects of our own lives.
It involves taking ownership of our actions, choices, and emotions.
By assuming responsibility for our thoughts, behaviors, and the outcomes we create, we regain a sense of control and agency over our lives.
This pillar empowers us to make conscious decisions aligned with our values and pursue personal growth and fulfillment.
The next pillar of self-esteem is self-assertiveness. Self-assertiveness involves expressing our thoughts, needs, and desires honestly and respectfully.
It is the ability to communicate assertively, without compromising our values or disregarding the rights of others.
By embracing self-assertiveness, we develop a stronger sense of self and build healthier relationships based on clear and honest communication.
Pillars of Self-Esteem: Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is the practice of paying attention to our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
It involves understanding our patterns, triggers, and beliefs that shape our perceptions and actions.
By cultivating self-awareness, we gain insight into our strengths and areas for growth, fostering personal development and enabling us to make intentional choices aligned with our authentic selves.
Pillars of Self-Esteem: Self-Acquired Competence
Self-acquired competence refers to developing and honing skills and capabilities in various areas of life.
It involves actively seeking learning opportunities, setting goals, and persistently working towards mastery.
When we invest in our growth and acquire competence in different domains, our self-esteem flourishes as we recognize our abilities and accomplishments.
The last of the pillars of self-esteem is self-connection. Self-connection involves nurturing a deep and meaningful connection with our inner selves.
It is the practice of self-reflection, self-discovery, meditation, or other activities that foster self-awareness and inner peace.
By prioritizing self-connection, we create space for self-care, self-reflection, and self-compassion.
This pillar allows us to recharge, align with our values, and cultivate a stronger sense of self-esteem.
The 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem
Building and maintaining healthy self-esteem is a lifelong journey that requires self-awareness, self-compassion, intentional practice, and a growth mindset.
By exploring the six pillars of self-esteem we can lay a solid foundation for our emotional well-being and personal growth.
As we nurture our own development across these pillars, we cultivate a strong sense of self-worth and empowerment, enabling us to navigate life’s challenges with more confidence.
Our continued exploration and progress propels us towards more fulfilling relationships and a more authentic life.
To continue reading the self-esteem series, check out: How to Cultivate Self-Responsibility and Watch Your Self-Esteem Soar.
Thank you as always for reading.
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Joan Senio is the founder of KindCompassCoach. Joan’s career includes clinical healthcare plus 20+ years as an executive in a nationwide health care system and 15 years as a consultant. The common threads throughout Joan’s personal and professional life are a commitment to non-profit organizations, mental health, compassionate coaching, professional development and servant leadership. Joan has had the privilege of mentoring early and mid-career professionals as well as current and future executives and leaders. She is a member of the International Organization of Life Coaches, serves as a thought-leader for and is also a regular contributor to PsychReg and Sixty and Me. You can read more about Joan here: Joan Senio.
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