How to Re-Parent Your Inner Child: All You Need to Know

As adults, we often find ourselves grappling with emotional wounds from our childhood. These wounds can manifest in a variety of ways, including low self-esteem, anxiety, and difficulty setting boundaries. Working to re-parent your inner child is one impactful way to heal these wounds.

Inner child work involves addressing our unmet emotional needs and providing ourselves with the love and nurturing that we may have lacked growing up.

How to Re-Parent Your Inner Child

If you’re ready to re-parent your inner child, there are a number of strategies you may wish to explore.

1. Visualize Yourself as a Child to Re-Parent Your Inner Child

A powerful way to connect with your inner child is to visualize yourself as a child.

Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and allow yourself to imagine your younger self.

Observe your childhood self with compassion and love and hold the intention of offering comfort and healing.

2. Identify and Validate Your Inner Child’s Feelings

As you connect with your inner child, pay attention to the emotions that arise.

Validate and honor the feelings that your inner child is experiencing.

Allow yourself to feel the pain, sadness, or anger that may arise, and offer compassion and understanding to your inner child.

re-parent your inner child a kid with multicolored hand paint
Photo by Alexander Grey on

3. Listen and Respond to Your Inner Child’s Needs

Your inner child has unmet emotional needs that may not have been met in childhood.

Take some time to identify these needs, such as the need for validation, comfort, or safety.

Be the loving parent that you may not have had growing up and respond to these needs.

This could involve offering words of encouragement, engaging in soothing self-care activities, or simply listening to your inner child.

4. Practice Self-Compassion to Re-Parent Your Inner Child

Re-parenting your inner child involves treating yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you would offer a child.

Offer yourself words of affirmation and support.

Treat yourself to comforting activities such as taking a warm bath or wrapping yourself in a soft blanket.

Remember that you are deserving of love and nurturing, just as you were as a child.

5. Cultivate Your Inner Parent to Re-Parent Your Inner Child

Re-parenting your inner child also involves cultivating your own inner parent.

Set boundaries, practice self-care, and prioritize your own needs, just as a loving parent would do for their child.

Cultivate a sense of safety and security within yourself so that you can offer the same to your inner child.

6. Practice Patience

Re-parenting your inner child is a process that can take time and patience.

Trust the process and allow yourself to move at your own pace.

Be kind and gentle with yourself, and celebrate each step forward, no matter how small.

7. Seek Professional Help

If you find that re-parenting your inner child is challenging or overwhelming, seek professional help from a therapist or counselor.

A trained professional can offer guidance, support, and tools to aid in your healing journey.

How to Re-Parent Your Inner Child

Re-parenting your inner child is a powerful act of self-love and healing.

By engaging in this work, you can create a solid foundation of self-worth, self-love, and emotional well-being.

Approach this process with compassion and a willingness to offer yourself the love and nurturing that you may have missed out on in childhood.

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