Today, we discuss small steps that can make a big difference to our own personal mental health and well-being.

Identify Stressors and Triggers

Identifying stressors and triggers is an effective way to lower the risk of mental health symptoms and boost happiness and contentment.

If you know what makes you feel anxious, stressed or worried, try to avoid or reduce exposure.

For example, if you start to feel overwhelmed at work when you’re tired and rundown, make an effort to spot the signs and be vigilant about taking a break when you need one.

Does scrolling on social media make you anxious? Try your best to limit screen time or remove apps for a period of time.

Get Help and Support to Improve Mental Health

Many of us are reluctant to share info or seek advice if we have symptoms that affect our minds, as opposed to our bodies. We also tend to be less comfortable discussing mental health symptoms and conditions (vs physical ailments or diseases) with friends, partners and colleagues.

If you’re going through a difficult time or you have symptoms of depression or anxiety, but don’t feel comfortable talking to anyone you know, it’s important to consider online therapy or seek an appointment with a counselor.

Whatever you do, know that you are not alone. There are many ways to access comprehensive mental health services, explore treatment options with trained medical experts and get help.

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Take Time to Rest

We all need rest. Some of us think we can cope with a few hours of sleep, but tiredness affects our ability to focus, zaps our energy levels and impacts our mood. We may be more irritable or may feel less alert or even numb. We can lose motivation and enthusiasm when we’re exhausted, and we may become withdrawn.

sleep helps improve mental health woman sleeping peacefully in a sunlit room

A lack of sleep can also make us more prone to illnesses and infections. This is because when we sleep, our body goes through vital processes that enable us to recharge our batteries and get ready for the day ahead. Adults need around 7-8 hours of sleep per night to perform these functions.

For all these reasons, it’s important to prioritize the rest you need to stay healthy and to seek remedies if you have difficulty sleeping on your own.

Invest in Positive Relationships to Improve Mental Health

The connections we have with others have a significant impact on our mental health.

Some relationships can make us sad, anxious or stressed while others make us feel happy, supported and confident.

Invest time and energy in the people who support you, lift you up and make you feel happy and loved.

Reduce the time you spend with anyone who puts you down or makes you feel worthless or anxious.

It can often be refreshing to reduce the size of your social circle and learn to say ‘no’ if you don’t want to see people.

Think Kind, Happy Thoughts

Just as it’s beneficial to know what impacts your mental health negatively, it’s helpful to think about what gives you a boost.

Think about what makes you happy. Analyze what really impacts your mood.

Perhaps you’re most relaxed when you’re in nature and it’s peaceful, or you thrive when you’re with your best friends.

If traveling brings out the best in you, get more of that in your life. Or if you feel happiest when you’re playing music or working up a sweat at the gym, make those activities a priority.

Maybe your favorite thing to do is curl up on the couch with your dog and your partner, or you’re most content being surrounded by your family. Perhaps you relish your alone time or enjoy being creative.

There are no wrong answers. Once you know what makes you tick, devote as much time as possible to those activities, places or people.

Small Steps that Improve Mental Health

We can all be proactive in boosting our state of mind.

Small steps can make a big difference and improve mental health and well-being.

  • Identify stressors and triggers and reduce exposure to them.
  • Seek advice and reach out for help and support if you notice changes in your mental health or behavior. Use your support system.
  • Make sure you get enough rest and allow your body and mind to recharge and recover.
  • Invest time and effort in positive relationships
  • Don’t be afraid to shrink or expand your social circle.

Think about what makes you happy and spend as much time as possible doing things and seeing people you love.

Thank you as always for reading.

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  1. Violet's Vegan Comics says:

    This is a wonderful post, I really enjoyed it.

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