More often than not, many of us are downright hard on ourselves. Our self-talk includes a lot of judgment and scolding and we’re quite slow to forgive our own mistakes and shortcomings. Unfortunately, this attitude impacts and shapes our relationships with others. This mindset also reduces our likelihood of having a peaceful and fulfilling life. […]
Emotional wellness is a key component of overall well-being, impacting our mental health, relationships, and quality of life. It involves understanding, acknowledging, and effectively managing our emotions. By nurturing our emotional well-being, we can enhance resilience, reduce stress, and cultivate healthier connections with ourselves and others. There are five key aspects of emotional wellness. Let’s […]
Feeling overwhelmed and discouraged? We’ve all been there. When life gets tough and we’re ready to throw in the towel, we can all benefit from some extra encouragement to keep going. Look no further. We’ve put together a collection of motivational quotes that will inspire you to persevere through whatever challenges and obstacles you encounter. […]
Optimal well-being sounds like an unattainable goal, doesn’t it? Well, to be honest, it may be. But we all need to take small steps towards it anyway. Here’s why it will never be any easier, and why you need to do what you can today and every day. Not just for yourself – but for […]
KindCompassCoach focuses on personal development and self-discovery with an emphasis in positive psychology, self-compassion and well-being. We provide articles and resources related to positive energy, happiness, and optimism. All our content is written, however, with a profound understanding of something that may seem counter to our focus: Too much of a good thing can have […]
Let’s face it, sometimes faking it is the best thing to do. What we need to do. And the more we do it, the better we get at it. We can fake it multiple times a day if we need to. I mean, hopefully, every once in a while, it’s genuine. But maybe not as […]
We all experience negative emotions from time to time. For example, when working toward a goal, it’s easy to become frustrated if our progress is not as steady or fast as we would like it to be.  After all, in today’s world, instant gratification has become an expectation.  So much happens with just 1 tap on […]
Scientists say we enter a state of “flow” when we are fully absorbed in something we’re doing. Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi , a positive psychologist first came up with the term flow in the 1970s. His definition: “the mental state where we are so immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the […]
Much has been written about the power of positive thinking. A well-known quote describes how the impact of positive thinking extends far beyond our thoughts. It goes something like this: “Watch your thoughts, for they become your words; watch your words, for they become your actions; you must watch your actions, for they become your […]
Positive affirmations are often the target of ridicule. Gen-Xers and Baby Boomers may remember a particular regular segment on Saturday Night Live that featured a character named Stuart. Stuart attempted to convince himself of his worthiness by chanting positive statements into the mirror. A whole collection of “catch phrases” came out of that series. One […]
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