Being able to envision things that don’t currently exist is a gift that often differentiates high functioning people from the rest of the population. Inventors, entrepreneurs and leaders in many organizations rely on their imagination and vision to navigate through uncharted territory towards an unseen goal somewhere beyond the horizon. Being visionary at work is […]
Feeling overwhelmed and discouraged? We’ve all been there. When life gets tough and we’re ready to throw in the towel, we can all benefit from some extra encouragement to keep going. Look no further. We’ve put together a collection of motivational quotes that will inspire you to persevere through whatever challenges and obstacles you encounter. […]
Many of us can sometimes feel stuck in our jobs, unsure of what our next move should be. Perhaps we feel like we’re just going through the motions, lacking a sense of purpose or fulfillment. When feelings like this begin to crop up, it may be time to invest some energy into self-discovery at work. […]
Social anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by an intense fear of social situations and interactions, which can make it difficult for individuals to function effectively in their daily lives. Social anxiety at work can be particularly challenging, where personal interactions are often a key […]
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