Scientists say we enter a state of “flow” when we are fully absorbed in something we’re doing. Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi , a positive psychologist first came up with the term flow in the 1970s. His definition: “the mental state where we are so immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the […]
Many of us yearn to have more will power and admire people who seem to have an endless supply. Want to know some of their secrets? Read on.
It’s challenging to meet all our daily challenges and unexpected emergencies, let alone devote energy and time to achieving our long-term goals. We seem to run out of day before completing anything non-essential.  We push less urgent things to tomorrow, next week, next month. Sometimes we get to them, but rarely do we give them […]
Not many years ago, the pace of change was modest. We usually had time to acclimate to new ways of thinking and new ways to do things.  But those days are gone. Something can now be invented, trend on Twitter and sweep the globe in minutes. Improvements to technology and apps, and even development of […]
Does it seem harder than ever to make decisions? Not just the complicated stuff. Easy stuff, too. What to cook for dinner. What to do first in the morning. Whether or not to go to the gym. There’s a reason for this. It’s called decision fatigue. What Is Decision Fatigue? As the name implies, decision […]
We convince ourselves that we’re not capable, don’t deserve to be rewarded for our good work, or that we’re inadequate in some other way. We tell ourselves that we are bad people, poor parents, inadequate friends. That we’re not truly successful at anything. We’re hard on ourselves when we make mistakes, diminish the credit we […]
Many of us share a strange combination of feelings right now.  These feelings have ebbed and flowed for many of us for much of the last five years. During COVID, we were nearly obsessed with hearing the latest news, desperate to learn some new ‘known’ in the vast sea of uncertainty that surrounded us. Ever […]
Forgiveness can help reshape our perceptions, heal deep wounds, and foster personal and collective peace. It also has the potential to dissolve resentment, break down barriers, and pave the way for authentic reconciliation. Today, we are focused on the implications of forgiveness, both on an individual level and within the broader context of societal and […]
Comparisonitis, a modern-day affliction that plagues many of us in the age of social media and constant connectivity, is a pervasive yet subtle threat to our mental and emotional well-being. The practice of comparing ourselves to others can cast a shadow of inadequacy, discontent, and self-doubt that threatens to erode our sense of self-worth and […]
Change is the unyielding force that propels us forward on the path of growth, adaptation, and evolution. In a world marked by constant flux and unpredictability, our ability to embrace change is not only a valuable asset but a key determinant of personal and professional success. Yet, the resistance to change is a common and […]
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