In the 2015 NFC Championship Game, the Seattle Seahawks faced a critical fourth down near the end of the game. Instead of kicking a field goal to tie, they passed the ball into the end zone. The result? An interception by the New England Patriots. At the time, this bold and unfortunate decision sparked heated […]
The fear of public speaking, also known as glossophobia, is a common anxiety that can be overwhelming and debilitating for many. However, with the right strategies and mindset, it is possible to overcome this fear and become a confident and effective public speaker. Today, we share practical tips and techniques to help you conquer the […]
Self-confidence is a quality that significantly ups the odds of our success at work. Of course, even the most secure among us experience peaks and valleys in our levels of self-confidence, since it tends to fluctuate based on the environment we are in or recent happenings. So, building and sustaining self-confidence at work can be […]
Self-acceptance is the ability to fully embrace and appreciate all aspects of ourselves, including our strengths and weaknesses. It involves acknowledging our flaws without judgment and recognizing that we are worthy of love and respect just as we are. In a world filled with societal expectations and external judgments, mastering self-acceptance is a true act […]
To observe Annual Boost Self-Esteem Month, published a series of posts about the many aspects of self-esteem and related topics. If you would like to read the series from the beginning, please start with this piece: Self-Esteem: What You Need to Know and Secrets Revealed. Today’s post focuses on self-efficacy, and specifically, how to […]
Self-confidence is a powerful asset in the workplace, impacting your performance, relationships, and overall job satisfaction. When we cultivate our self-confidence and overcome self-doubt at work, we can open doors to new opportunities, enhance our credibility, and thrive in our professional endeavors. There are many practical strategies to help build self-confidence at work and unlock […]
Financial wellness is essential for a secure future, peace of mind, and overall well-being. Solid financial footing helps us have the flexibility to explore opportunities in life, and it also helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Getting to that point requires education, effort, and discipline. But first, it requires an attitude check. Are you uncertain […]
Self-doubt is something that affects many of us in some aspect of our lives. For many, our personal confidence falls short in one area critical to happiness and fulfillment: relationships. Our self-doubt can undermine our initiative, thoughts and behaviors, leading to negative outcomes. Fortunately, there are strategies that can help us overcome self-doubt in relationships […]
Whether it’s in our family, community, or society at large, there are always models of behavior, appearance, or achievement that are regarded as the epitome of success. The goal or ideal that we all should strive for. It seems like a good thing, or at least harmless, when we first think about it. Why shouldn’t […]
Whether we feel it when a relationship fails, when we bungle a job interview, or even when we feel we’ve been snubbed socially, the experience of rejection is never easy. Sometimes, it can be quite difficult to bear and even humiliating. As a result, it’s not surprising that fear of rejection is very common, and […]
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