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Happiness and learning are inextricably linked. In fact, learning something new and different as often as possible has been proven to enable a positive attitude and happiness. This finding continues to show up in new studies, and it seems to be universally accepted by happiness experts. Read on to understand more reasons why it’s important […]
As humans, we experience a host of emotions throughout our lives. Unfortunately, one that many of us will need to cope with at some point is grief. We may experience grief when we lose a loved one or have another tragic development in our lives: a health issue, betrayal, or the end of a relationship. […]
It’s been a while since we’ve had a straight up, “Don’t forget you are amazing!” post, strictly intended to motivate. I think of posts like that as morning motivation because I sometimes need one of these to start the day off right. So, strap yourself in, because here it comes! Morning Motivation Your Resting Mind-Set […]
Welcome to How to Find Happiness in 10 Weeks or Less, Week 4: What Is My Purpose? Answers to the Most Important Question Ever. Discovering what we were born to do is highly motivating and a key to improving our well-being. When we discover our life purpose, everything we do has more meaning, and even […]
Much has been written about the power of positive thinking. A well-known quote describes how the impact of positive thinking extends far beyond our thoughts. It goes something like this: “Watch your thoughts, for they become your words; watch your words, for they become your actions; you must watch your actions, for they become your […]
We convince ourselves that we’re not capable, don’t deserve to be rewarded for our good work, or that we’re inadequate in some other way. We tell ourselves that we are bad people, poor parents, inadequate friends. That we’re not truly successful at anything. We’re hard on ourselves when we make mistakes, diminish the credit we […]
Positive affirmations are often the target of ridicule. Gen-Xers and Baby Boomers may remember a particular regular segment on Saturday Night Live that featured a character named Stuart. Stuart attempted to convince himself of his worthiness by chanting positive statements into the mirror. A whole collection of “catch phrases” came out of that series. One […]
Depression can overcome us unexpectedly and without explanation. Other times, we feel it coming for hours, days or weeks. We brace ourselves for the tangible sensation of the heavy curtain descending, blocking out the light. It feels as though we are fumbling in a dark room, looking for the light switch. We find it, only to […]
Finding our purpose in life is powerful. Knowing what we are “born to do” can make all the difference. Once we do, if we define something significant, measurable and tangible as our touchstone, this can provide a strong foundation on which to base virtually each decision and every choice we make. For example, when we […]
Many of us share a strange combination of feelings right now.  These feelings have ebbed and flowed for many of us for much of the last two years. We’re nearly obsessed with hearing the latest news, desperate to learn some new ‘known’ in the vast sea of uncertainty that surrounds us. At the same time, […]
For years, I thought happy people smiled often and were generally joyful. I also thought of them as being imbued with a sense of serenity and calm. Recently, I’ve come to realize that the graceful, steady state of being I’ve aspired to is not happiness at all. It is more aptly described by a different […]
When we forgive, we release emotions that cause stress and negativity. In fact, science has proven that when we release these negative emotions, our well-being immediately improves. The effect is long-lasting and others around us feel better, too. This makes forgiveness an amazingly powerful choice. But as we all know, forgiving people who have hurt […]
Welcome to How to Find Happiness in 10 Weeks or Less, Week 7: What You Need to Know about Healthy Relationships. “Our relationship with ourselves sets the tone for every other relationship in our lives.” – Robert Holden This quote says it all! What a perfect way for us to start off this post, which […]
What does intimacy mean to you? Though other thoughts often come to mind when we hear the word ‘intimacy’ what an intimate relationship is really all about is being able to be authentic with another person. To share our true selves without restraint. Intimacy takes more than a willing partner. Sometimes that can actually be […]
A while ago, I was talking to a friend who recently had a baby. While she was pregnant, we shared many conversations. It was a welcome opportunity to reflect on fond memories. I recalled many lovely experiences from when I was expecting and shortly after I had my children. Among other things we shared, I […]
Do you have trust issues? When we cannot or do not trust those close to us, it is difficult (if not impossible) for our relationship with that person to thrive and grow. In fact, relationships that lack trust can never be truly intimate or fulfilling. So, learning to take that risk, to trust someone, maybe even […]

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"In a world that is becoming increasingly polarized, separating into ‘us’ and ‘them’ far too often, KindCompassCoach is a lighthouse for those seeking a port in the storm. Joan writes straight from her heart using her wealth of knowledge to inspire, encourage, and offer kindness to each and every reader. I love that each post challenges me to consider how I can take the wisdom offered and practice it with intention. Those of us seeking truth and guidance, find it in every single KindCompassCoach post. From how to incorporate mindfulness to accessing our bank of positive memories during times of grief or struggle, Joan encourages her readers with unconditional understanding and compassion. This blog is a gem to be enjoyed and shared!"

Cathy Tubb, This Little Light

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