How to Hop on the Positive Attitude Fast Track

March is National Optimism Month! Today, we discuss how to quickly change your frame of mind from negative to positive. More specifically, how to adopt a positive attitude, almost instantly.

A Positive Attitude Is One Moment Away

Yes, that’s right.

There is actually a sure-fire way to find a more positive attitude, almost instantly.

The first step is to do what you can to rid your mind of negative feelings and thoughts.

Because, the simple fact is, our brains are unable to process negative and positive thoughts simultaneously.

That’s one reason why it’s so hard to snap out of it when we’re down.

The first step is simple.

Decide to consciously focus on self-compassion, kindness, happiness and other positive concepts.

Even if you’re a skeptic.

Because that simple step will help crowd the bad stuff out. 

And leave space for a positive attitude to thrive.

But that’s just the beginning.

Let’s walk through what can happen in our brains as we begin to shift towards a positive attitude.

Changes in our thoughts lead to changes in our actions.  

Anxiety diminishes. 

Judgment retreats. 

Worries about how we will solve problems and meet challenges dissipate.

Concern regarding how we appear to others, or whether others approve of us fades into the background.

We rely less on outside validation, which enables us to be truer to ourselves.

Peace and contentment and knowledge that everything will be okay replace the negative emotions as they slowly evaporate.   

We act more freely, sincerely, and openly, and share things that we may have before kept locked up inside; we find ourselves feeling tranquil and even serene as positive energy spreads throughout our consciousness.

If we can master the art of mindfulness, the experience of adopting a positive attitude becomes even more moving.

When before, we may have judged another, we instead feel compassion for their struggle.

Where in the past we may have been quick to anger, we realize in the moment the importance of being kind. 

At times in the past, we may have reacted rashly or harshly, but now we are more thoughtful and considerate and make better decisions.

Before we may have been sad, but now we are grateful for many things we have taken for granted.

It feels quiet, safe and calm within our minds. 

And if we can find the way to maintain this peacefulness, this generosity, this gratitude, this genuine wish for good and respect for those around us, our entire universe expands, and every moment of our daily lives becomes more joyful.

Imagine if we could all achieve and maintain this type of positive attitude.

Let’s first remember and cherish the best in ourselves and be kind to that person and treat her gently and honor her.

Then, let’s project that gentleness and respect and kindness and love and positive energy to those close to us and even to strangers that pass through our lives today. 

There’s no telling how much we can change the world around us, if only for a day, so let’s give it our best shot.

Just one small gesture or smile can change a person’s attitude by providing them reassurance they may desperately need.

Think back over time. Have there been days when one person’s support and small kindnesses completely changed your outlook?

Let’s give it our all and let the peace we feel be our reward and reinforcement and let’s do it again tomorrow and the next day.

Life is fuller when we approach it with a positive attitude.

Thank you as always for reading.

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10 Responses

  1. Deb's Decorative Life says:

    We need to be kind, gentle and patient with ourselves so that we feel compassion for others and what they are going through.

  2. onemorelightlb says:

    “Let’s then project that gentleness and respect and kindness and love to those close to us and even to strangers that pass through our lives today. There’s no telling how much we can change the world around us, if only for a day, so let’s give it our best shot! ”

    I absolutely love this!!!

  3. Mindfulness is the key.

  4. Britt K says:

    I love this! I think we often overlook the incredible power a simple smile can have to make a difference in someone’s life, and what is the cost? A couple of seconds of your time and a little extra energy… So why not make a point of greeting people with a smile more often? More now than ever! We have been taking the dogs for a walk around town pretty regularly and while we will cross the road to avoid walking past someone to maintain our distancing, we always take a moment to smile and nod to them as we pass on our respective sides – that smile might be the boost someone needs to get through all this!

    • Kindness, Compassion and Coaching says:

      Thank you so much for your comment Britt! The same here, we are taking walks and seeing more people out and about – though at a distance. The simplest wave or smile seems to brighten everyone’s day. I know it makes a difference in mine, for sure! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  5. This is such a lovely post! It’s the little things that really count!

    Jessica & James |

  6. Lisa says:

    Such a lovely post, Joan, so inspiring and thoughtful, exactly what’s needed right now. One of my clients always says that we should strive to let go of what we can’t control and only focus on what we can do and give, which I think is a similar message. Stay safe, lovely lady x

  7. Always a pleasure to read your blog posts, Joan.

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