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Do you tend to be cynical about other people? Is it difficult for you to form friendships or enter into romantic relationships? When you do, do you often feel jealous or suspicious? Do you distrust your parents or family? There’s a word for feelings of intense mistrust, or prevalent ‘trust issues’, especially in the context […]
Trauma related disorders include an extensive array of psychological challenges. Difficulty with intimacy and relationships. Anxiety and depression. Substance and Alcohol abuse. Eating disorders. It is not surprising that trauma can have such a wide range of impacts on us. What is surprising? The frequency of trauma both in the US and the world. And […]
We have all had to interact with people who we find immature or irresponsible. It can be annoying and frustrating. Both at home and work, it’s difficult to tolerate people who don’t own their own mistakes. People who avoid difficult conversations. Or resist committing to deadlines or goals. It’s easy to form opinions about people […]
It’s so challenging to know one another, for real.  To feel comfortable being our true authentic selves. Our closest friends and family are often clueless about the invisible battles we are fighting, alone. And we are equally unaware of the challenges they may be facing, too. Something that happened recently brought this home to me. […]
Welcome to How to Find Happiness in 10 Weeks or Less, Week 1: Well-Being Basics We All Need to Know. This is the first in a series of 10 posts. The collection comprises a mini personal development coaching series: “How to Find Happiness in 10 Weeks or Less”. Each post also includes information, coaching tips […]
We had a lovely day with mild temps and sunshine this week. The first time in months! It’s incredible how much it lifts our spirits to have a break from grey skies, cold, and rain. According to the calendar, I’m overdue to start spring cleaning. Now that the weather has shifted, I’m ready to do […]
Depression. It is almost becoming an epidemic. More and more people are depressed. It’s difficult to know exactly how many. Because many who are depressed don’t seek treatment and some who seek treatment are not depressed. Regardless, there’s little doubt: the frequency of depression is on the rise. The good news? Recent research has confirmed […]
Sometimes, making a mistake can have dire consequences. A doctor must choose the best procedure for a patient and execute it flawlessly. Engineers must develop cars without defects. Architects must design buildings that will not fall down. These things we know. But there are other situations when doing something wrong is actually a sign that […]
When we’re trying to lose weight, we have to watch our diet and make sure we’re getting enough physical activity, too. Diet is most important, but exercise is crucial to improving our overall health and fitness, building our stamina and increasing our muscle strength, especially as we age. So, it’s essential to figure out how […]
There was a time when calm came to us on its own. In fact, calm was our natural and prevalent state of mind. In prehistoric times a surge of adrenalin, our biological fight or flight response, struck only when a true emergency was at hand. A wild animal chasing us, for example. Or wicked weather, […]
When you find your passion in life it allows you to become fully present and fulfilled. Ideally, we identify our passion in life early. But sometimes, we don’t figure things out until much later. No matter what your age, if you haven’t found your passion yet, it’s time to give it a try.  Doing so […]
Technology has made our lives much more convenient, but added ease of completing physical chores combined with our need to stay tethered to a computer all day has had an overall negative impact on our health. We’re more sedentary than ever. There’s no question activity is necessary for us to maintain our health and wellness. […]
I’ve come across many articles lately about solitude and loneliness, and the differences between the two. It’s interesting that we can be so lonely even when we’re with others. Or how we can be lonely, yet still crave the peace only found in solitude. One piece I read described people today as having the common […]
In an earlier post, we wrote about how essential transparency is to relationships. In that piece, we talked about being honest with ourselves as the first step to having more open and honest relationships. This post focuses on another aspect of transparency. Specifically, how privacy and secrecy are connected and how they both are key […]
Some researchers believe that our overall happiness level reflects the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. If they are right, there are some clear steps we can easily take to improve our state of mind.  We must begin to pay more attention to who we engage with most often. True, […]
We crave honesty in our personal relationships, for obvious reasons. What’s not so obvious? The first step to transparency in our relationships with others is being honest with ourselves. The first step towards being honest with ourselves? Figuring out who our true authentic self really is. We have all read about the value of being […]

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"In a world that is becoming increasingly polarized, separating into ‘us’ and ‘them’ far too often, KindCompassCoach is a lighthouse for those seeking a port in the storm. Joan writes straight from her heart using her wealth of knowledge to inspire, encourage, and offer kindness to each and every reader. I love that each post challenges me to consider how I can take the wisdom offered and practice it with intention. Those of us seeking truth and guidance, find it in every single KindCompassCoach post. From how to incorporate mindfulness to accessing our bank of positive memories during times of grief or struggle, Joan encourages her readers with unconditional understanding and compassion. This blog is a gem to be enjoyed and shared!"

Cathy Tubb, This Little Light

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