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Life coaching can help you gain clarity, set goals, and make positive changes in your life. One of the key aspects of life coaching is asking the right questions to encourage self-reflection and personal growth. There are many potential questions that can be used to jump start the process. Let’s talk about a few specific […]
Depression can be a daunting battle. It is especially difficult when we face such a difficult challenge without a support system. But with the right mindset and strategies, it is possible to regain control of our life and find inner peace, even when we are forced to try to overcome depression alone. Understanding Depression Depression […]
photo of a sad young woman leaning her head on her arms
I have a friend who once said to me, “Regret is a useless emotion.” She may have been right. But regardless of how well regret serves us, it can certainly be powerful. Most of us will experience regret at one time or another. When we do, it can be almost impossible to shake. Our brains […]
As women, we constantly seek ways to stay informed, entertained, and inspired while also learning how to be our very best selves. Podcasts have emerged as a popular medium, offering a vast array of topics to choose from. Self-help podcasts can be an excellent source of information and entertainment tailored specifically to our interests and […]
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Are you feeling unloved? Many of us feel unloved or lonely at some point. In fact, some of us feel that way more often than not. It’s difficult and painful. At times like this, we can sometimes benefit from reading uplifting and empowering quotes. Quotes that may help to remind us of our worth and […]
Most of us can probably relate to what it’s like to deal with someone who stonewalls us. We want to talk; they walk away. If a difficult topic arises, they avoid the issue or distract us with unrelated criticisms. Maybe they just change the subject in an effort to avoid real communication. Unfortunately, this practice […]
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Science has proven that when we choose to be generous, we feel happier. For example, in one study, participants were given $20 and were given the choice to spend it on themselves or to spend it on someone else.  Guess who was happier? But the benefits of generosity don’t end there.  When we choose to […]
We’re all naturally inclined to develop habits. And we can tap into this natural tendency to help us to be kind to ourselves. Since we need to be kind to ourselves to be genuinely kind to others, this is pretty important to take advantage of. Here’s how to use habits to overcome negative self-talk today. […]
Starting over. What a scary thought. We’ve been through so much already. Isn’t it all supposed to be easier now? After all, the kids are grown, the house may be paid for. Perhaps you’ve even retired from full time work. But come to think of it, that’s a lot of change happening at a time […]
Learned helplessness is a psychological concept that refers to a state where people feel unable to change their circumstances, even when opportunities for change exist. In the context of relationships, learned helplessness can lead to feelings of powerlessness, resentment, and a lack of motivation to improve the relationship. Learned helplessness can doom a relationship. But […]
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There are a zillion posts, articles, magazines, books, podcasts and more out there telling you all the complicated ways you need to manage your diet, exercise, stress, and mental health to be your best. I’m not denying there’s plenty of wisdom out there that can take us all to another level. If we only had […]
woman carrying tote bags
Seriously, is there anyone out there who doesn’t relate to the rush of making an impulse purchase? Well, it turns out there’s a biological basis for our craving for retail therapy. And there’s a lot more to this subject than initially meets the eye. In fact, there are some basic concepts underlying the psychology of […]
hispanic lady looking jealously at boyfriend while texting on cellphone
We humans are social creatures. We crave companionship and interaction with others. Besides satisfying these needs, healthy friendships, marriages, partnerships, and relationships with other family members provide us with love, support, and companionship. At times, however, negative feelings can overcome the good, and the result is an unhappy relationship. When this happens, we can begin […]
Feeling overwhelmed and discouraged? We’ve all been there. When life gets tough and we’re ready to throw in the towel, we can all benefit from some extra encouragement to keep going. Look no further. We’ve put together a collection of motivational quotes that will inspire you to persevere through whatever challenges and obstacles you encounter. […]
It’s one of those topics that we find hard to resist. Like when we come across a video of a natural disaster. Or see a tantalizing headline. Rare psychological disorders are one of those subjects – it’s hard not to dive in when we get a hint that there’s something creepy or disturbing lurking in […]
Many of us have set goals and are hoping to lose weight. In fact, according to research, about 49.1% of adults look to shed excess pounds every year. Although it’s a common goal, it’s certainly not an easy accomplishment to achieve. It requires not just knowledge and common sense, but commitment and discipline, too. When […]

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Testimonials: Love for KindCompassCoach

"In a world that is becoming increasingly polarized, separating into ‘us’ and ‘them’ far too often, KindCompassCoach is a lighthouse for those seeking a port in the storm. Joan writes straight from her heart using her wealth of knowledge to inspire, encourage, and offer kindness to each and every reader. I love that each post challenges me to consider how I can take the wisdom offered and practice it with intention. Those of us seeking truth and guidance, find it in every single KindCompassCoach post. From how to incorporate mindfulness to accessing our bank of positive memories during times of grief or struggle, Joan encourages her readers with unconditional understanding and compassion. This blog is a gem to be enjoyed and shared!"

Cathy Tubb, This Little Light

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