Music and Happiness: All You Need to Know About the Connections

On a beautiful Saturday morning a few weeks ago, I was wandering around a farmer’s market. I saw a booth about a Chinese Symphony.  Since I had never heard of a Chinese Symphony, I had to go find out more. I met a man who told me all kinds of interesting things about the history of Chinese music and happiness. Two of my favorite subjects.  I was hooked!

Amazing Facts About Chinese Music and Happiness

I was shocked to discover that ancient Chinese music is based on a different musical scale than the one we are familiar with (who knew?).

As opposed to our 7-note scale (you know, the one they sing about in The Sound of Music?), Chinese music is based on a pentatonic musical system, that includes only 5 “tones”.

These tones are Kung, Shang, Chiao, Chih and Yue.  According to the Chinese theory of the Five Elements, the tones represent many different things.  For example, humans have five major internal organs (heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and spleen); and we also have five sensory organs (mouth, nose, eyes, ears and tongue); we also have five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot! So, the Chinese believe that there’s a kind of symmetry in having music based on this number, and a tone representing each.

In fact, according to Chinese tradition, the tones of music can each affect the health of different organs.

Depending on the composition of a song, it may encourage changes in metabolism, brain or heart health.

Since we are each different, we each may react differently to different combinations of tones.

Regardless of the specifics and beyond the impact of individual tones, the ancient Chinese believed beautiful music, in general, harmonizes not only the body, but also the mind, and soul.

The ancient Chinese recognized a strong connection between music and happiness.

In fact, the Chinese character for Music shares the exact same character for happiness.  And the Chinese character for medicine is simply the same character with the symbol for plants placed on top.

So – for those of you who think of your music as therapeutic, you are not alone.

There have been many Chinese who have agreed with you for thousands of years: there is a strong connection between music and happiness.

Yes, the Chinese figured this out a long time ago.  So did the ancient Greeks.  And Native Americans, too.

Unfortunately, our contemporary health care systems have been slow to discover the miracles of health, music and happiness.

Today, music therapy is just beginning to become established as a non-therapeutic means to treat a wide variety of conditions.

Now, it is believed that music therapy, in combination with other more traditional therapies, treatments, and medications may speed healing and reduce symptoms more effectively.

Music and Positive Energy

In general, music may also improve quality of life for patients more dramatically than traditional medicine alone.

The ancients believed these positive impacts were rooted in the positive energy produced by music.

And who can’t use some more positive energy?

So, let’s be sure to keep in mind the exciting connections between music and happiness, and do all we can to get more music in our daily lives.

There’s a whole lot more to the origins of Chinese music, and some incredible legends and history, too.

If you’d like to learn more, please visit Music of China.

Thank you as always for reading.

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3 Responses

  1. Tim Willow says:

    That’s really interesting. Playing classical music outside of shops was one way to get young kids to leave , hanging outside causing trouble .. returning the Chinese favor.. check out shi poetry . Poetry using a single word, but because of Chinese intonation..

  2. Nicole B. says:

    Fascinating post! I love music and definitely know how therapeutic it can be. Hubby says when he plays heavy metal while he is working the vehicle gets fixed faster. Lol!
    Thanks for sharing this. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

  3. I have found playing and singing music to be very therapeutic for me. Music is a way for me to express myself. It is cool that the Chinese character for music and happiness is the same!

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