Category: Well-Being

Indulging in what we refer to as “guilty pleasures” is often accompanied by feelings of shame and remorse. We’re conditioned to believe that such indulgences are inherently wrong or frivolous. It’s time to challenge this notion and enjoy our guilty pleasures without guilt. And just focus on the pleasure. Occasional “guilty pleasures” are necessary, and […]
It may start to creep up on us in September. By mid-October it’s in full swing. By the time we get to February, we’re pulling our hair out, and it becomes the longest month even though it only has 28 or 29 days. For many, there’s much more to it than a down mood. Some […]
Forty or fifty years ago, things were pretty clear. When you hit the age of 21, you were on your own. In some communities, the norm was even earlier – it was time to support yourself when you reached the age of 18. But over the last few decades, it has become increasingly common for […]
What do you wish for when you blow out a candle? I heard this question the other day. It got me thinking. Do I have one dream? If I could will one thing to happen, what would it be? If I had a bottle with a genie in it, what would I ask for? Not “world […]
I don’t think any of us intend to become a martyr. But boy it sure seems like many of us wind up playing that incredibly unhealthy role! Do you take on too much? Do you feel taken for granted? You may have martyr syndrome. How It Feels to be Taken for Granted The other day […]
A panic attack can be a terrifying experience for those who suffer from them. It is important to understand the symptoms associated with panic attacks to help others who experience them or to help manage your own anxiety, if you experience one yourself. It’s most helpful to also know how to stop a panic attack […]
Health is not a top priority for many women, regardless of where we are in life. Many of us put off important health maintenance and self-care during our child-bearing years, especially. Life is busy, and work and kids always seem to come first. But as we enter our 50s and beyond, it becomes especially important […]
Being able to envision things that don’t currently exist is a gift that often differentiates high functioning people from the rest of the population. Inventors, entrepreneurs and leaders in many organizations rely on their imagination and vision to navigate through uncharted territory towards an unseen goal somewhere beyond the horizon. Being visionary at work is […]
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. The condition is characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can significantly impact daily life. ADHD can impact both children and adults. Today, we will cover symptoms, how to confirm an ADHD diagnosis, as well as recommended […]
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs during specific seasons, most commonly in the fall and winter. It can leave us feeling unmotivated, fatigued, and emotionally low. One proven strategy to minimize the impact of SAD is to begin preparing for seasonal changes in advance. By taking proactive steps and making […]
Our world is so divided. It’s incredible how many of us leap to judge others who think differently than we do. When we see others behave this way, it creates the impression that disrespecting those who have a different set of beliefs is okay. Even admired or, in some cases, rewarded or applauded. What happened […]
Depression can be a daunting battle. It is especially difficult when we face such a difficult challenge without a support system. But with the right mindset and strategies, it is possible to regain control of our life and find inner peace, even when we are forced to try to overcome depression alone. Understanding Depression Depression […]
photo of a sad young woman leaning her head on her arms
I have a friend who once said to me, “Regret is a useless emotion.” She may have been right. But regardless of how well regret serves us, it can certainly be powerful. Most of us will experience regret at one time or another. When we do, it can be almost impossible to shake. Our brains […]
selective focus photography of gift boxes
Science has proven that when we choose to be generous, we feel happier. For example, in one study, participants were given $20 and were given the choice to spend it on themselves or to spend it on someone else.  Guess who was happier? But the benefits of generosity don’t end there.  When we choose to […]
sunflower during sunset
There are a zillion posts, articles, magazines, books, podcasts and more out there telling you all the complicated ways you need to manage your diet, exercise, stress, and mental health to be your best. I’m not denying there’s plenty of wisdom out there that can take us all to another level. If we only had […]
woman carrying tote bags
Seriously, is there anyone out there who doesn’t relate to the rush of making an impulse purchase? Well, it turns out there’s a biological basis for our craving for retail therapy. And there’s a lot more to this subject than initially meets the eye. In fact, there are some basic concepts underlying the psychology of […]
Feeling overwhelmed and discouraged? We’ve all been there. When life gets tough and we’re ready to throw in the towel, we can all benefit from some extra encouragement to keep going. Look no further. We’ve put together a collection of motivational quotes that will inspire you to persevere through whatever challenges and obstacles you encounter. […]
Optimal well-being sounds like an unattainable goal, doesn’t it? Well, to be honest, it may be. But we all need to take small steps towards it anyway. Here’s why it will never be any easier, and why you need to do what you can today and every day. Not just for yourself – but for […]
Self-help books can help us understand who we are, what we want, and what we need to do to achieve our goals. There are many to choose from, but we’ve managed to choose a handful of the best self-help books and blogs for women to highlight here today. Best Self-Help Books for Women As women, […]
As women, we often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities and we “forget” to take the time to focus on ourselves. Sadly, we don’t prioritize what we see as selfish: meeting our own needs for life satisfaction and growth. What makes matters worse? Fulfilling our potential and seeking life satisfaction is not selfish at all. In […]
We’ve all heard the well-known quote: “Hope is not a strategy“. The full quote is actually: “Hope is not a strategy. Luck is not a factor. Fear is not an option.” ― James Cameron It implies that hoping isn’t going to make things happen. It’s just not enough. We need to do more than that to […]
If you’re like many of us, you may feel a bit lost, or unfulfilled, at least from time to time. You may be successful in your career or personal life, but still feel like that there is something missing. Something that would take your life satisfaction to the next level. It’s hard to put your […]
Personal development is the process of enhancing skills, knowledge, and abilities, and learning new things that help us be more effective in our work and personal life. It is a continuous process that enables us to achieve our full potential. Personal development resources are available to help us improve in many aspects of life, including […]
Chances are, since you’re visiting KindCompassCoach, you’re interested in growth, self-discovery, and personal development. Part of our mission here is to direct you to the best personal development resources beyond what’s available on our site. If you are ready to become active in your own self-improvement process and would like to seek more fulfillment in […]
Are you feeling lost or uncertain about your life’s purpose? Do you want to clarify your values and develop goals that will help you to create a more meaningful life? A personal mission statement can help you achieve these aspirations. You may be more familiar with mission statements developed by organizations or companies. Corporations formulate […]
It’s a shame that we humans are so inclined to label people we barely know. Is it because it makes it easier to remember them? Does it help our brains to put people in neat categories that reduce them down to one or two words? We’ll get into the drivers of labelling, and how labels […]
KindCompassCoach focuses on personal development and self-discovery with an emphasis in positive psychology, self-compassion and well-being. We provide articles and resources related to positive energy, happiness, and optimism. All our content is written, however, with a profound understanding of something that may seem counter to our focus: Too much of a good thing can have […]
Many of us suffer from chronic anxiety. Those challenged by this condition find themselves in a resting state of high alert. Pretty much always on edge, “waiting for the other shoe to drop,” we jump higher than most at sudden noises. And we spend much of our time worrying or in a state of rumination. It’s […]
Sometimes it's hard to find our own voice with so many others in our lives. Would you recognize your own voice if you heard it?
It is not unusual to feel pressure to be grateful. We know others have more serious problems and challenges; we know there are parts of the world where our standard of living would be considered truly exceptional, even with whatever shortcomings we experience day to day. We should be thankful and remember always that we […]

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"In a world that is becoming increasingly polarized, separating into ‘us’ and ‘them’ far too often, KindCompassCoach is a lighthouse for those seeking a port in the storm. Joan writes straight from her heart using her wealth of knowledge to inspire, encourage, and offer kindness to each and every reader. I love that each post challenges me to consider how I can take the wisdom offered and practice it with intention. Those of us seeking truth and guidance, find it in every single KindCompassCoach post. From how to incorporate mindfulness to accessing our bank of positive memories during times of grief or struggle, Joan encourages her readers with unconditional understanding and compassion. This blog is a gem to be enjoyed and shared!"

Cathy Tubb, This Little Light

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