Category: Well-Being

scenic view of sky during sunset
To observe Annual Boost Self-Esteem Month, published a series of posts about this intriguing subject. If you would like to read the series from the beginning, please start with this piece: Self-Esteem: What You Need to Know and Secrets Revealed. Today’s post provides an overview of how to find self-compassion, and also how to […]
contemplative ethnic woman admiring snowfall in city
There are many articles about self-care, but fewer about self-compassion, which is much more important. Learn more about how to practice self-compassion, today.
woman spreading both her arms
Life is full of unexpected twists and turns that can leave us feeling off-balance and overwhelmed. Being able to maintain your center when thrown off balance by unanticipated challenges, poor luck, or outright tragedy is a key capability that helps us to be more resilient. None of us know what events we may have to […]
Life is full of unexpected challenges and setbacks that can put our emotional strength to the test. Resilience is a skill that allows us to weather storms, bounce back, and even find opportunities for growth amidst adversity. Today we discuss how to be resilient during challenging times. These suggestions can help prepare us for life’s […]
To be at our best, we must be flexible, withstand challenges, overcome disappointment, bounce back from setbacks, and persevere in the face of obstacles.  In other words, we must teach ourselves to be as resilient as possible in the face of whatever life throws our way. Nurturing resiliency in ourselves is about increasing our ability […]
Having a support system is important. Whether or not we struggle with mental, physical or emotional challenges, having a strong network helps us to navigate life’s ups and downs. We need to know we have others to turn to when the going gets difficult. Or, perhaps even more importantly, to celebrate small successes or major […]
One thing many of us have in common is that our relationship with money contains an element of shame. Shame, in general, is one of the most degrading, negative and debilitating emotions.  Yet many of us feel it every day related to how we spend our money, how we handle our money, how we manage […]
Our mindsets have a profound impact on our beliefs, actions, and ultimately, our success. A fixed mindset, where we believe our abilities and intelligence are fixed traits, can limit our growth and potential. However, with dedication and intentional effort, it is possible to transform our natural state of mind. Let’s explore how to change your […]
When it comes to our health, fitness, and overall wellness, setting goals can be a powerful catalyst for positive change. However, all too often, we find our progress quickly fizzles out, or we find ourselves getting distracted by other priorities. To create lasting change, it’s important to set health, fitness, and wellness goals that stick. […]
No matter how dedicated or focused we are, maintaining high productivity over time can be a challenge. Whether we’re working towards personal goals, a particularly difficult work project, or a complicated school assignment, we all face times when our motivation and commitment begin to waver. One particularly effective strategy to keep ourselves going, or to […]
Managing time effectively can be a struggle. Endless distractions compete for our attention, leading us to feel overwhelmed and stressed. And if we’re prone to procrastination, forget it! It can feel almost impossible to get things done. Bottom line, it can be hard to keep our attention where it needs to be when so many […]
Social media has revolutionized the way we connect and communicate, opening up new avenues for connection and community. Unfortunately, the constant stream of information, the pressure to present a polished version of ourselves, and the intrusion into our private lives can impact our state of mind. It’s important that we recognize the potential relationship between […]
Divorce is an emotionally challenging experience. It signifies not just the end of a marriage but also the upheaval of the life you’ve known. During this turbulent period, it’s essential to manage your mental health effectively. Read on for five essential tips to help you manage your mental health during divorce. How to Manage Mental […]
Life can be challenging, and it’s not uncommon to feel stuck in a negative mindset. But doing our best to stay positive, at least to a reasonable extent, is essential for overall happiness and mental health. The good news is that positivity is a skill that can be developed with practice and intention. And we […]
We all seem to face endless to-do lists and constant demands, but finding time to recharge and rejuvenate is an important priority, essential for our well-being, that often doesn’t make it to the top of our priorities. We hear it all the time: we need to pay attention to our own needs, “practice self-care” and […]
Loneliness and isolation can be painful and challenging and negatively impact our overall well-being, especially around this time of year. Whether it’s due to physical distance, a lack of close relationships, or the current circumstances we find ourselves in, it’s important to acknowledge when we feel lonely and actively seek ways to cope with these […]
Whether it’s in our family, community, or society at large, there are always models of behavior, appearance, or achievement that are regarded as the epitome of success. The goal or ideal that we all should strive for. It seems like a good thing, or at least harmless, when we first think about it. Why shouldn’t […]
Intuition can be a powerful tool to help guide us on our journey through life. It’s that gut feeling, that inner voice, that we sometimes listen to, but often ignore, that can truly provide us with valuable insights and help us make better decisions. While some people seem to have a natural ability to tap […]
Regret is a powerful emotion that can weigh heavily on our hearts and minds. As we enter mid-life and beyond, it becomes increasingly frequent that we reflect on our past choices and wonder about what could have been. However, living a life filled with regret is not conducive to personal growth and happiness. Let’s discuss […]
Anxiety and stress have become too common. Many of us are constantly juggling multiple responsibilities and priorities, which can leave us feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Added distraction from too much technological stimuli and too much information and data coming at us adds another layer of distress. Fortunately, there are effective ways to overcome stress and […]
It’s that time of year. Many are feeling a twinge of those “Holiday Blues”. It’s an unpleasant mixture that can include elements of depression, anxiety and exhaustion. Some of us just feel listless. Others experience intense fatigue and tiredness that no amount of sleep seems to rectify. For some, it’s all about aches and pains. […]
Guilt and blame can be powerful emotions that shape our lives and our actions. For many, these feelings create a self-perpetuating cycle that be difficult to break. Exposure to these negative emotions in and of themselves has a negative impact on our well-being. Further, experiencing them also leads to heightened stress and anxiety. Thankfully, change […]
The pressure of finding the perfect gift and navigating crowded stores can often turn gift giving and shopping into a stressful experience. Whatever the occasion, seeking a gift for a special someone should be a task that helps us to be grateful for all of our friends, family and blessings. We owe it to ourselves […]
Finding moments of peace, compassion, and self-love is essential to our overall well-being. Loving-kindness meditation and affirmations can be powerful tools to cultivate love, kindness, and acceptance for ourselves and others. Let’s explore the practice of loving-kindness meditations and affirmations, their benefits, and ways to incorporate them into our daily lives. What Is Loving-Kindness Meditation? […]
Whenever we embark on a journey to be with loved ones, we look forward to creating cherished memories and sharing a festive meal or two. However, travel stress can take a lot of the fun out of our long-awaited trips, especially over holidays or long weekends. From crowded airports to congested highways, unexpected delays to […]
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can impact all aspects of a person’s life, including work, relationships, and overall well-being. While some with ADHD are able to manage their symptoms with self-help strategies, there may come a point where seeking professional help becomes necessary. Recognizing the signs that it’s time to seek help for ADHD is […]
Thanksgiving is a time to express gratitude and appreciation for the blessings in our lives. While traditional activities like sharing what we are thankful for during a meal are wonderful, incorporating novel Friendsgiving or Thanksgiving gratitude activities can add a creative and meaningful touch to the holiday. Today we share ideas about how to show […]
In life, there are many times when we want or need something from others. Perhaps it’s a favor or getting someone else to consider compromise. Other times, it can be something more significant – a negotiation on a home sale, or an important job promotion. In these cases, and many more, knowing how to negotiate […]
Thanksgiving is a holiday that is typically centered around family, friends, and gathering together to share a meal. However, for some people, being alone on Thanksgiving can be a challenging and lonely experience. Whether you’re far from loved ones or unable to attend social gatherings, being alone at the holidays doesn’t have to mean feeling […]
More often than not, many of us are downright hard on ourselves. Our self-talk includes a lot of judgment and scolding and we’re quite slow to forgive our own mistakes and shortcomings. Unfortunately, this attitude impacts and shapes our relationships with others. This mindset also reduces our likelihood of having a peaceful and fulfilling life. […]

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"In a world that is becoming increasingly polarized, separating into ‘us’ and ‘them’ far too often, KindCompassCoach is a lighthouse for those seeking a port in the storm. Joan writes straight from her heart using her wealth of knowledge to inspire, encourage, and offer kindness to each and every reader. I love that each post challenges me to consider how I can take the wisdom offered and practice it with intention. Those of us seeking truth and guidance, find it in every single KindCompassCoach post. From how to incorporate mindfulness to accessing our bank of positive memories during times of grief or struggle, Joan encourages her readers with unconditional understanding and compassion. This blog is a gem to be enjoyed and shared!"

Cathy Tubb, This Little Light

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