Category: Well-Being

Humans go through various stages of development, acquiring skills, emotional intelligence, and evolving their identities as they mature. However, some stagnate at a particular phase of psychological and emotional development. This condition, known as arrested development, may come about as a result of a range of issues, including unresolved childhood trauma and more. Today, we […]
April has been designated as Stress Awareness Month. The intent of this global month-long event is to improve understanding of the causes and symptoms of stress, as well the importance of prioritizing stress relief and mitigation as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes generous levels of mental self-care. Today we focus on how to […]
April has been designated as Stress Awareness Month. The intent of this global month-long event is to improve understanding of the causes and symptoms of stress, as well the importance of prioritizing stress relief and mitigation as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes generous levels of mental self-care. Today we cover the topic of […]
April has been designated as Stress Awareness Month. The intent of this global month-long event is to improve understanding of the causes and symptoms of stress, as well the importance of prioritizing stress relief and mitigation as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes generous levels of mental self-care. Today we cover how we may […]
April has been designated as Stress Awareness Month. The intent of this global month-long event is to improve understanding of the causes and symptoms of stress, as well the importance of prioritizing stress relief and mitigation as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes generous levels of mental self-care. Today we cover how we may […]
April has been designated as Stress Awareness Month. The intent of this global month-long event is to improve understanding of the causes and symptoms of stress, as well the importance of prioritizing stress relief and mitigation as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes generous levels of mental self-care. Today we focus on stress management […]
Since 1992, April has been designated as Stress Awareness Month. The intent of this global month-long event is to improve understanding of causes of stress, and to emphasize the importance of prioritizing stress relief and mitigation as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes generous levels of mental self-care. Sometimes, finding the source of our […]
Since 1992, April has been designated as Stress Awareness Month. The intent of this global month-long event is to improve understanding of the causes and symptoms of stress. Applying stress management tools can be an effective component of a healthy lifestyle that includes generous levels of mental self-care. Today, we discuss how to find the […]
Journaling is a practice that helps promote self-reflection, personal growth, and mental well-being. If we approach our journaling practice thoughtfully, our journal can become a powerful tool for not only self-expression and reflection but also for finetuning our personal and professional goals, tracking and measuring our progress, and recording lessons learned and insights along the […]
Since 1992, April has been designated as Stress Awareness Month. The intent of this global month-long event is to improve understanding of the causes and symptoms of stress, as well the importance of prioritizing stress relief and mitigation as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes generous levels of mental self-care. During the month of […]
young diverse positive students surfing internet on laptop
Today’s article is focused on positive psychology interventions in observance of National Optimism Month. Positive psychology is a field of study that focuses on understanding and promoting positive emotions, character strengths, and meaningful relationships. Positive psychology interventions (PPIs) (also known as positive psychology exercises) are evidence-based practices designed to help us build resilience, increase well-being, […]
woman holding bunch of sunflowers
Life is filled with peaks and valleys, twists and turns, and unexpected moments. There are so many events that shape our experience and sense of well-being. Interestingly, there is also a phenomenon at work in the background. This hidden influence shapes our innate sense of contentment, separate and apart from day-to-day happenings. It’s known as […]
silver colored heart lock bridge
Today, we explore practical strategies to actively cultivate gratitude and experience the profound positive effects it can have on our lives.
stacked of stones outdoors
Mindfulness, the practice of being present, enhances well-being, focus, and emotional intelligence, while reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Regular practice improves mental, emotional, and physical health, fostering resilience and contentment. Exploring techniques such as body scans, mindful eating, and walking meditation can rejuvenate the practice and maintain its benefits.
photo of woman showing frustrations on her face
Emotions are an integral part of the human experience, shaping our perceptions, actions, and relationships. It feels like processing and expressing our emotions should be something that comes easily and naturally. But for some people, it’s not. In fact, the ability to regulate and manage emotions is significantly compromised in many. As a result, it […]
red and black temple surrounded by trees photo
Wabi-Sabi, a traditional Japanese philosophy, encourages us to find beauty in the transient and imperfect nature of the world around us. In a society that often showcases perfection as the goal we should all aspire to, the concept of Wabi-Sabi offers a refreshing alternative perspective that can help us appreciate the beauty to be found […]
side view portrait photo of woman in yellow t shirt standing with her eyes closed with trees in the background
Today, we focus on the concept of positive visualization, and how we can tap into its power to achieve amazing outcomes we may have never imagined possible. The potential for our dreams to be fulfilled is incredible, if we apply a few, practical techniques. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s get into it. The […]
Today, we provide more information about the physical and mental health benefits of optimism and how cultivating a positive outlook can contribute to a healthier and more vibrant life. But first, let’s talk about the term “Pollyanna” and how it came to be, because when we think about optimism and how to be optimistic, the […]
two yellow labrador retriever puppies
Today, we are sharing some of the best happiness quotes to help get us feeling extra motivated and joyful today. We all struggle to adopt a positive attitude from time to time, so before we even get started, find some comfort in knowing that we’re all in this together. Now let’s get into some words […]
Making time for ourselves is key to maintaining our wellness and happiness. Whether you’re looking to relax after a long day or you’re simply looking for some quality alone time, a solo date night is the perfect way to recharge and reconnect with yourself. Setting the Mood for the Perfect Solo Date Night Creating the […]
March is National Optimism Month, emphasizing the belief in positive outcomes which significantly influences both mental and physical health. Positive thinking is linked to stronger immune systems, heart health, stress management, quicker recoveries, and even a longer lifespan. Additionally, optimists tend to exercise more, eat healthier, and handle pain and stress better, leading to an increased sense of well-being and resilience. Embracing and spreading optimism can also heighten happiness, self-esteem, and social connections, overall promoting a vibrant life.
not guilty and a gavel
We all experience guilt, at least some of the time. For example, when we know we’ve done something wrong. Or when we are concerned that we may have hurt someone’s feelings or brought harm to someone else. Often, however, we feel guilt for other reasons. And sometimes, we may not even realize we’re experiencing it. […]
black and yellow analog clock
During National Sleep Awareness Week, the focus is on improving sleep by understanding and optimizing our circadian rhythm. This natural 24-hour internal clock, influenced by environmental light, regulates sleep-wake cycles and hormone release. Strategies for better sleep include maintaining a regular bed and wake time, a relaxing pre-sleep routine, and daytime exposure to natural light. Disruptions like jet lag and shift work can misalign the rhythm, affecting sleep quality. For those struggling, additional tips and professional help are suggested to achieve optimal rest.
During National Sleep Awareness Week, the 10-3-2-1-0 sleep rule is promoted as a transformative method for better sleep quality. This rule advises no caffeine 10 hours before bed, no heavy meals or alcohol 3 hours prior, no screens 2 hours before, 1 hour of relaxation before sleep, and zero snooze-button hits. Consistent adherence can enhance overall well-being, energy, and mood.
woman in white tank top sleeping on bed
National Sleep Awareness Week highlights the essential role of sleep in health. Emphasizing the need for a regular sleep routine, the post advocates for 7.5 to 8.5 hours of rest, as sleep modulates mood, supports healing, and enhances cognitive functions. Strategies are recommended, including establishing a bedtime ritual, optimizing sleep environment, moderating caffeine, and regular exercise. The post underscores the risk of inadequate sleep, including attention deficits, emotional imbalance, and increased health issues.
sunflower field
Happiness is a state of being and a common goal that we all strive for in our lives. At the same time, the nature of happiness is subjective to each person. We each have our own unique priorities, preferences and thoughts regarding the nature of personal fulfillment. So, while happiness is a common goal, what […]
relaxed woman meditating in padmasana
Mind-body awareness, recognizing the interrelatedness of thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, is scientifically validated and key to well-being. It leads to better stress management, emotional regulation, and physical health. Practices like mindfulness meditation, body scans, journaling, and affirmations help cultivate this awareness and offer significant health benefits. Engaging with these practices routinely can transform one's quality of life.
cheerful woman decorating bouquet in basket
February is Annual Boost Self-Esteem Month, and is exploring third person affirmations, a technique using one's name or pronouns to create distance from negative self-talk and foster self-confidence. This practice involves identifying negative patterns, reframing thoughts positively, and consistently reinforcing them, leading to increased self-awareness, positivity, and improved self-esteem. Subscribe to KindCompassCoach to follow the series and develop a more resilient, affirmative outlook.
Today’s post includes an arrested development questionnaire that may help highlight potential indicators in those impacted by arrested development. Creating and using a questionnaire to determine if someone may have signs of arrested development should be approached with caution, as mental health assessments should ideally be conducted by trained professionals. However, it can be helpful […]
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February marks Annual Boost Self-Esteem Month, and is sharing posts on self-compassion, a key aspect of self-esteem. Self-compassion is about being kind and understanding to oneself. The blog offers nine practical ways to practice it, encouraging mindful self-awareness, self-kindness, accepting imperfections, letting go of self-judgment, prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, practicing forgiveness, seeking support, and reflecting on achievements. Subscribe to their series for more insights on nurturing mental and emotional well-being.

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"In a world that is becoming increasingly polarized, separating into ‘us’ and ‘them’ far too often, KindCompassCoach is a lighthouse for those seeking a port in the storm. Joan writes straight from her heart using her wealth of knowledge to inspire, encourage, and offer kindness to each and every reader. I love that each post challenges me to consider how I can take the wisdom offered and practice it with intention. Those of us seeking truth and guidance, find it in every single KindCompassCoach post. From how to incorporate mindfulness to accessing our bank of positive memories during times of grief or struggle, Joan encourages her readers with unconditional understanding and compassion. This blog is a gem to be enjoyed and shared!"

Cathy Tubb, This Little Light

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