Category: Relationships

“Opposites Attract“. It’s an age-old saying about relationships. It seems strange that we would be attracted to people who are so different than us, doesn’t it? Isn’t that just setting us up for failure and unhappiness and chronic challenges and compromises? So, why do opposites attract? Let’s explore why people with different personalities, interests, and […]
Enabling can occur in various contexts, including relationships, and may lead to the continued negative behavior of a partner. When we enable our partner’s negative behavior, we unintentionally perpetuate destructive patterns, hindering personal growth and creating strain in the relationship. If you’re enabling your partner, it’s important to break the cycle to promote healthy communication […]
Enabling behavior is a complex and often misunderstood issue that can have significant impacts on those involved. It occurs when someone unintentionally perpetuates or supports another person’s harmful or negative behavior. This often prevents them from taking responsibility and experiencing natural consequences. While we may recognize enabling behavior in ourselves or others, noticing the behavior […]
When it comes to supporting our loved ones, it’s natural to want to help them overcome challenges and lead better lives. However, there’s a fine line between providing support or assistance and enabling unhealthy behavior. Enabling occurs when we unintentionally perpetuate destructive patterns instead of promoting growth and change. Here’s how to spot and stop […]
Those who experience arrested development (the inability to mature emotionally), can encounter significant struggles as they attempt to navigate adulthood and relationships. Overcoming this challenge requires a proactive approach that involves self-reflection, personal growth, and a commitment to change. There are promising strategies that may support our efforts as we or a loved one work […]
couple while holding hands
The concept of a soulmate has captivated human hearts for centuries, representing a deep and profound connection with another person. While the idea may seem romanticized, many believe in the existence of soulmates. But how do you know if someone is “the one”? Let’s talk about some signs and the qualities of this rare, extraordinary […]
What does it really mean to be a high maintenance person? This label is often used to describe people with very specific needs and preferences. High maintenance folks often require extra attention and effort from others, too, and they tend to become the center of attention, even when they should be playing a supporting role […]
Codependent relationships can be complex and challenging to navigate. They can also be detrimental to our personal growth and development. If you believe you may be trapped in a cycle of unhealthy dependency, it’s important to do the work required to regain your sense of self and to heal a codependent relationship. Today, we share […]
As we discussed in 12 Signs of a Codependent Relationship, codependency is a complex and often misunderstood pattern of behavior in relationships where one person relies on another to fulfill their emotional needs and has difficulty functioning independently. Today, we will cover some of the most common causes of codependent relationships and other factors which […]
Codependency is a pattern of dysfunctional behavior in relationships where one person relies on the other to fulfill too many of their emotional needs. This kind of relationship can be challenging and is often very detrimental to our emotional well-being. It can be difficult to recognize codependency in a relationship, especially when you are in […]
When we wed, we enter a deeply intimate and committed relationship that requires trust, honesty, and open communication. One of the more complex aspects of a healthy partnership can be establishing, navigating, and maintaining healthy boundaries between privacy and secrecy in marriage. Privacy in Marriage: A Cornerstone of Trust Privacy is an essential aspect of […]
The fear of abandonment can grip our hearts and minds, leaving us feeling vulnerable and insecure in relationships. Whether stemming from past trauma or deep-rooted insecurities, overcoming fear of abandonment is possible with self-reflection, self-compassion, and intentional actions. Today, we cover 7 strategies to overcome fear of abandonment. 1. Understand the Root Causes of Fear […]
The fear of abandonment is a psychological phenomenon that can result in deep-seated emotional distress and relationship conflicts. Those who have experienced neglect in childhood or abandonment in past romantic relationships may develop a phobia about being left alone. Let’s discuss some signs of fear of abandonment and explore strategies for managing this challenging emotion. […]
Fear of abandonment is a complex emotional issue that can greatly impact relationships and overall well-being. This fear stems from deep-seated insecurities and past experiences. Any chance of resolving it requires us to understand its underlying causes. We will cover some of the common root causes of fear of abandonment and also potential strategies to […]
Trauma bonding is a psychological phenomenon that occurs in abusive or toxic relationships. It involves a powerful and unhealthy attachment to an abuser, often resulting from a cycle of positive and negative experiences. Bonding of this type may also be referred to as “Stockholm Syndrome.” The dynamics in this syndrome are complex, but by recognizing […]
Friendships with others (the “family you choose”) are such an important part of our lives. The kindness and support our true friends provide is often essential to our own sense of well-being, comfort, health, and happiness. Given the significant role they can play in our lives, it’s important to choose our friends and friendships wisely. […]
Forty or fifty years ago, things were pretty clear. When you hit the age of 21, you were on your own. In some communities, the norm was even earlier – it was time to support yourself when you reached the age of 18. But over the last few decades, it has become increasingly common for […]
I don’t think any of us intend to become a martyr. But boy it sure seems like many of us wind up playing that incredibly unhealthy role! Do you take on too much? Do you feel taken for granted? You may have martyr syndrome. How It Feels to be Taken for Granted The other day […]
Do you sometimes wonder if you’re losing your mind? Question your own memories? Do you doubt facts you once would have stated with pride? Or your own ability to judge character? Perhaps you feel as though your sanity is in question. The truth may be that your mind is perfectly intact. You may just be […]
Have you ever wondered what happened to that long-lost romance from your past? He or she was the one that got away, leaving you with unanswered questions and a lingering sense of what could have been. Seeking to find closure for a long-lost romance can be painful. But although it may be a challenging and […]
Our world is so divided. It’s incredible how many of us leap to judge others who think differently than we do. When we see others behave this way, it creates the impression that disrespecting those who have a different set of beliefs is okay. Even admired or, in some cases, rewarded or applauded. What happened […]
photo of a sad young woman leaning her head on her arms
I have a friend who once said to me, “Regret is a useless emotion.” She may have been right. But regardless of how well regret serves us, it can certainly be powerful. Most of us will experience regret at one time or another. When we do, it can be almost impossible to shake. Our brains […]
Most of us can probably relate to what it’s like to deal with someone who stonewalls us. We want to talk; they walk away. If a difficult topic arises, they avoid the issue or distract us with unrelated criticisms. Maybe they just change the subject in an effort to avoid real communication. Unfortunately, this practice […]
Learned helplessness is a psychological concept that refers to a state where people feel unable to change their circumstances, even when opportunities for change exist. In the context of relationships, learned helplessness can lead to feelings of powerlessness, resentment, and a lack of motivation to improve the relationship. Learned helplessness can doom a relationship. But […]
hispanic lady looking jealously at boyfriend while texting on cellphone
We humans are social creatures. We crave companionship and interaction with others. Besides satisfying these needs, healthy friendships, marriages, partnerships, and relationships with other family members provide us with love, support, and companionship. At times, however, negative feelings can overcome the good, and the result is an unhappy relationship. When this happens, we can begin […]
Relationships are an essential to our happiness and well-being. However, not all relationships are healthy and fulfilling. Some relationships are worse than merely unhealthy – they are downright dangerous and threatening to both our emotional and mental health. Understanding the signs of a toxic relationship is critical, because detecting these issues early makes it much […]
Do you believe in love at first sight? We’ve heard fairy tales about it, read books, heard songs, even watched movies where love at first sight is the main premise. Whether we believe them or not, people we know claim to have experienced it. Or perhaps we have experienced it ourselves. Do You Believe in […]
yellow and red tulip flower plant beside white fence
Relationships help us stay connected to the people we care about and provide us with a sense of belonging. However, relationships can also be challenging, especially when it comes to setting healthy boundaries. Boundaries are important, if not essential. They help us establish our needs, expectations, and limits. For the best outcomes, it’s key to […]
Relationships play a significant role in satisfying our needs for companionship, support, and human interaction. In this way, relationships, especially healthy ones, bolster both our physical and mental well-being. Unfortunately, relationships can also be a source of distress. Especially when our partner is unwilling or unable to satisfy our personal emotional relationships needs or unwilling […]
Relationships are challenging. People have different priorities, opinions, strengths, challenges, faults, skills, and idiosyncrasies. With all the different attitudes, thoughts, and feelings we each bring to a relationship, it’s kind of a miracle that any relationship is successful, let alone happy. But, despite all these complexities, it’s actually quite simple to predict which relationships will […]

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"In a world that is becoming increasingly polarized, separating into ‘us’ and ‘them’ far too often, KindCompassCoach is a lighthouse for those seeking a port in the storm. Joan writes straight from her heart using her wealth of knowledge to inspire, encourage, and offer kindness to each and every reader. I love that each post challenges me to consider how I can take the wisdom offered and practice it with intention. Those of us seeking truth and guidance, find it in every single KindCompassCoach post. From how to incorporate mindfulness to accessing our bank of positive memories during times of grief or struggle, Joan encourages her readers with unconditional understanding and compassion. This blog is a gem to be enjoyed and shared!"

Cathy Tubb, This Little Light

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